All content is Copyright Stringybark Consulting © 2013
Roys Road Bridge (No 2) Replacement Project
Delivered a detailed Environmental Assessment Report and provision of flora and fauna
assessment information to underpin S89 approval and Waterway Barrier applications.
Included vegetation mapping and preliminary fish dip-
Vegetation Mapping and Impact Assessment Acacia Creek
Provided expert ecological advice to owners of a 350Ha property “Davidson” at Acacia Creek in rural NSW. The project involved extensive site vegetation survey and mapping and provision of a detailed report and design drawings.
Tanawha Tourist Drive Bikeway Project
Provided a Preliminary Environmental Assessment Report for the proposed 8.5km bikeway project including a summary of anticipated environmental permits and approvals.
Glenview Road Upgrade Project
Provided an Environmental Assessment Report to Sunshine Coast Regional Council for the proposed road upgrade project including preliminary assessment of anticipated environmental permits and approvals. To be utilised to guide the detailed design process.
Vegetation Assessment and Mapping (PMAV) Tanawha
Provided an Environmental Assessment Report and site vegetation survey and mapping to facilitate a PMAV application for the client.
Vegetation Assessment and Landscape Management Plan Atherton Road Caboolture
Undertook a vegetation survey and mapping to support the landscape architects design for the subdivision. Included rehabilitation and revegetation recommendations report as well as detailed vegetation management mapping.